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Any suggestions for grocery shopping?

My AMD has been stable for a couple of years now, but I still can’t read fine print on labels. This can be very frustrating at the grocery store, especially if I’m looking for something I don’t usually buy. Is there a small handheld gadget I can use? For various reasons I prefer not to use my phone.

  1. that's a good question. I use my phone, but realise that there might be reasons not to. I don't use my phone as a magnifier, I take a quick photo on the shelf and then enlarge the photo on my screen so that I'm not still holding the product and I'm holding the phone comfortably at a normal height. The other thing I do is find the product online beforehand and take a photo of it on my phone. Then I show the photo to the store assistant and ask if they have it. Wendy, Patient Leader.

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